
Displays an image subsampled as necessary to avoid loading too much image data into memory. After a pinch to zoom in, a set of image tiles subsampled at higher resolution are loaded and displayed over the base layer. During pinch and zoom, tiles off screen or higher/lower resolution than required are discarded from memory.

Tiles are no larger than the max supported bitmap size, so with large images tiling may be used even when zoomed out.

v prefixes - coordinates, translations and distances measured in screen (view) pixels s prefixes - coordinates, translations and distances measured in source image pixels (scaled)


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public void SubsamplingScaleImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attr)
public void SubsamplingScaleImageView(Context context)


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public final class AnimationBuilder
Builder class used to set additional options for a scale animation.
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Default implementation of OnImageEventListener for extension.
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public interface OnAnimationEventListener
An event listener for animations, allows events to be triggered when an animation completes, is aborted by another animation starting, or is aborted by a touch event.
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public interface OnImageEventListener
An event listener, allowing subclasses and activities to be notified of significant events.
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public interface OnStateChangedListener
An event listener, allowing activities to be notified of pan and zoom events.


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public final static int EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD
Quadratic ease in and out.
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public final static int EASE_OUT_QUAD
Quadratic ease out.
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public float maxScale
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public float minScale
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public int orientation
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public final static int ORIENTATION_0
Display the image file in its native orientation.
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public final static int ORIENTATION_180
Rotate the image 180 degrees.
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public final static int ORIENTATION_270
Rotate the image 270 degrees clockwise.
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public final static int ORIENTATION_90
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
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public final static int ORIENTATION_USE_EXIF
Attempt to use EXIF information on the image to rotate it.
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public final static int ORIGIN_ANIM
State change originated from animation.
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public final static int ORIGIN_DOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM
State change originated from a double tap zoom anim.
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public final static int ORIGIN_FLING
State change originated from a fling momentum anim.
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public final static int ORIGIN_TOUCH
State change originated from touch gesture.
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public final static int PAN_LIMIT_CENTER
Allows the image to be panned until a corner reaches the center of the screen but no further.
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public final static int PAN_LIMIT_INSIDE
Don't allow the image to be panned off screen.
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public final static int PAN_LIMIT_OUTSIDE
Allows the image to be panned until it is just off screen, but no further.
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public static Config preferredBitmapConfig
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public float scale
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public final static int SCALE_TYPE_CENTER_CROP
Scale the image uniformly so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view.
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public final static int SCALE_TYPE_CENTER_INSIDE
Scale the image so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view.
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public final static int SCALE_TYPE_CUSTOM
Scale the image so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or less than the maxScale and equal to or larger than minScale.
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public final static int SCALE_TYPE_START
Scale the image so that both dimensions of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view.
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public int sHeight
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public int sWidth
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public final static int TILE_SIZE_AUTO
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public Uri uri
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public final static int ZOOM_FOCUS_CENTER
During zoom animation, move the point of the image that was tapped to the center of the screen.
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public final static int ZOOM_FOCUS_CENTER_IMMEDIATE
Zoom in to and center the tapped point immediately without animating.
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public final static int ZOOM_FOCUS_FIXED
During zoom animation, keep the point of the image that was tapped in the same place, and scale the image around it.


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Creates a panning animation builder, that when started will animate the image to place the given coordinates of the image in the center of the screen.
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Creates a scale animation builder, that when started will animate a zoom in or out.
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Creates a scale animation builder, that when started will animate a zoom in or out.
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public final int getAppliedOrientation()
Returns the actual orientation of the image relative to the source file.
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public final PointF getCenter()
Returns the source point at the center of the view.
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public float getMaxScale()
Returns the maximum allowed scale.
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public final float getMinScale()
Returns the minimum allowed scale.
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public final int getOrientation()
Returns the orientation setting.
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public final void getPanRemaining(RectF vTarget)
Calculate how much further the image can be panned in each direction.
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public static Config getPreferredBitmapConfig()
Get the current preferred configuration for decoding bitmaps.
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public final float getScale()
Returns the current scale value.
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public final int getSHeight()
Get source height, ignoring orientation.
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public final ImageViewState getState()
Get the current state of the view (scale, center, orientation) for restoration after rotate.
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public final int getSWidth()
Get source width, ignoring orientation.
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public Uri getUri()
Return the uri that has been set.
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public boolean hasImage()
Check if an image has been set.
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public final boolean isImageLoaded()
Call to find whether the main image (base layer tiles where relevant) have been loaded.
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public final boolean isPanEnabled()
Returns true if pan gesture detection is enabled.
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public final boolean isQuickScaleEnabled()
Returns true if double tap &swipe to zoom is enabled.
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public final boolean isReady()
Call to find whether the view is initialised, has dimensions, and will display an image on the next draw.
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public final boolean isZoomEnabled()
Returns true if zoom gesture detection is enabled.
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public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
Handle touch events.
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public void recycle()
Releases all resources the view is using and resets the state, nulling any fields that use significant memory.
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public final void resetScaleAndCenter()
Fully zoom out and return the image to the middle of the screen.
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public final void setBitmapAndFileUri(Bitmap bitmap, Uri fileUri)
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public final void setBitmapDecoderClass(Class<? extends ImageDecoder> bitmapDecoderClass)
Swap the default bitmap decoder implementation for one of your own.
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public final void setBitmapDecoderFactory(DecoderFactory<? extends ImageDecoder> bitmapDecoderFactory)
Swap the default bitmap decoder implementation for one of your own.
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public final void setBitmapFitX(Bitmap bitmap)
bitmap 展示以X轴为准,填充满X轴
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public final void setDebug(boolean debug)
Enables visual debugging, showing tile boundaries and sizes.
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public final void setDoubleTapZoomDpi(int dpi)
A density aware alternative to setDoubleTapZoomScale; this allows you to express the scale the image will zoom in to when double tapped in terms of the image pixel density.
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public final void setDoubleTapZoomDuration(int durationMs)
Set the duration of the double tap zoom animation.
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public final void setDoubleTapZoomScale(float doubleTapZoomScale)
Set the scale the image will zoom in to when double tapped.
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public final void setDoubleTapZoomStyle(int doubleTapZoomStyle)
Set the type of zoom animation to be used for double taps.
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public void setEagerLoadingEnabled(boolean eagerLoadingEnabled)
Enable or disable eager loading of tiles that appear on screen during gestures or animations, while the gesture or animation is still in progress.
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public void setExecutor(Executor executor)
Provide an Executor to be used for loading images.
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public final void setImage(ImageSource imageSource)
Set the image source from a bitmap, resource, asset, file or other URI.
public final void setImage(ImageSource imageSource, ImageSource previewSource)
Set the image source from a bitmap, resource, asset, file or other URI, providing a preview image to be displayed until the full size image is loaded.
public final void setImage(ImageSource imageSource, ImageViewState state)
Set the image source from a bitmap, resource, asset, file or other URI, starting with a given orientation setting, scale and center.
public final void setImage(ImageSource imageSource, ImageSource previewSource, ImageViewState state)
Set the image source from a bitmap, resource, asset, file or other URI, providing a preview image to be displayed until the full size image is loaded, starting with a given orientation setting, scale and center.
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public final void setMaximumDpi(int dpi)
This is a screen density aware alternative to setMinScale; it allows you to express the minimum allowed scale in terms of the maximum pixel density.
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public final void setMaxScale(float maxScale)
Set the maximum scale allowed.
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public void setMaxTileSize(int maxPixels)
public void setMaxTileSize(int maxPixelsX, int maxPixelsY)
By default the View automatically calculates the optimal tile size.
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public final void setMinimumDpi(int dpi)
This is a screen density aware alternative to setMaxScale; it allows you to express the maximum allowed scale in terms of the minimum pixel density.
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public final void setMinimumScaleType(int scaleType)
Set the minimum scale type.
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public void setMinimumTileDpi(int minimumTileDpi)
By default, image tiles are at least as high resolution as the screen.
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public final void setMinScale(float minScale)
Set the minimum scale allowed.
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Add a listener allowing notification of load and error events.
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public void setOnLongClickListener(OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener)
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Add a listener for pan and zoom events.
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public final void setOrientation(int orientation)
Sets the image orientation.
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public final void setPanEnabled(boolean panEnabled)
Enable or disable pan gesture detection.
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public final void setPanLimit(int panLimit)
Set the pan limiting style.
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public static void setPreferredBitmapConfig(Config preferredBitmapConfig)
Set a global preferred bitmap config shared by all view instances and applied to new instances initialised after the call is made.
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public final void setQuickScaleEnabled(boolean quickScaleEnabled)
Enable or disable double tap &swipe to zoom.
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public final void setRegionDecoderClass(Class<? extends ImageRegionDecoder> regionDecoderClass)
Swap the default region decoder implementation for one of your own.
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public final void setRegionDecoderFactory(DecoderFactory<? extends ImageRegionDecoder> regionDecoderFactory)
Swap the default region decoder implementation for one of your own.
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public final void setScaleAndCenter(float scale, PointF sCenter)
Externally change the scale and translation of the source image.
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public final void setTileBackgroundColor(int tileBgColor)
Set a solid color to render behind tiles, useful for displaying transparent PNGs.
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public final void setZoomEnabled(boolean zoomEnabled)
Enable or disable zoom gesture detection.
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public final PointF sourceToViewCoord(PointF sxy)
public final PointF sourceToViewCoord(PointF sxy, PointF vTarget)
public final PointF sourceToViewCoord(float sx, float sy)
public final PointF sourceToViewCoord(float sx, float sy, PointF vTarget)
Convert source coordinate to view coordinate.
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public void viewToFileRect(Rect vRect, Rect fRect)
Converts a rectangle within the view to the corresponding rectangle from the source file, taking into account the current scale, translation, orientation and clipped region.
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public final PointF viewToSourceCoord(PointF vxy)
public final PointF viewToSourceCoord(PointF vxy, PointF sTarget)
public final PointF viewToSourceCoord(float vx, float vy)
public final PointF viewToSourceCoord(float vx, float vy, PointF sTarget)
Convert screen coordinate to source coordinate.
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public void visibleFileRect(Rect fRect)
Find the area of the source file that is currently visible on screen, taking into account the current scale, translation, orientation and clipped region.