Package-level declarations


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public class CompatDecoderFactory<T>
Compatibility factory to instantiate decoders with empty public constructors.
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public interface DecoderFactory<T>
Interface for decoder (and region decoder) factories.
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public interface ImageDecoder
Interface for image decoding classes, allowing the default based on the Skia library to be replaced with a custom class.
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public interface ImageRegionDecoder
Interface for image decoding classes, allowing the default based on the Skia library to be replaced with a custom class.
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public final class ImageSource
Helper class used to set the source and additional attributes from a variety of sources.
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public class ImageViewState implements Serializable
Wraps the scale, center and orientation of a displayed image for easy restoration on screen rotate.
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public class SkiaImageDecoder
Default implementation of ImageDecoder using Android's BitmapFactory, based on the Skia library.
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Default implementation of ImageRegionDecoder using Android's BitmapRegionDecoder, based on the Skia library.
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Displays an image subsampled as necessary to avoid loading too much image data into memory.
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public class Utils
Created by qinxue on 2018/5/3.