
public class SmartRefreshLayout


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public void SmartRefreshLayout(Context context)
public void SmartRefreshLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)


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public class LayoutParams
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public class RefreshKernelImpl
刷新布局核心功能接口 为功能复杂的 Header 或者 Footer 开放的接口


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public boolean autoLoadMore()
Display load more animation and trigger load more event.
public boolean autoLoadMore(int delayed)
public boolean autoLoadMore(int delayed, int duration, float dragRate, boolean animationOnly)
Display load more animation and trigger load more event, Delayed start.
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public boolean autoLoadMoreAnimationOnly()
Display load more animation without triggering events.
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public boolean autoRefresh()
Display refresh animation and trigger refresh event.
public boolean autoRefresh(int delayed)
Display refresh animation and trigger refresh event, Delayed start.
public boolean autoRefresh(int delayed, int duration, float dragRate, boolean animationOnly)
Display refresh animation, Multifunction.
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public boolean autoRefreshAnimationOnly()
Display refresh animation without triggering events.
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public RefreshLayout closeHeaderOrFooter()
Close the Header or Footer, can't replace finishRefresh and finishLoadMore.
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public void computeScroll()
重写 computeScroll 来完成 smart 的特定功能 1.越界回弹 2.
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public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
事件分发 (手势核心) 1.多点触摸 2.
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public RefreshLayout finishLoadMore()
public RefreshLayout finishLoadMore(boolean success)
public RefreshLayout finishLoadMore(int delayed)
public RefreshLayout finishLoadMore(int delayed, boolean success, boolean noMoreData)
finish load more.
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public RefreshLayout finishLoadMoreWithNoMoreData()
finish load more with no more data.
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public RefreshLayout finishRefresh()
public RefreshLayout finishRefresh(boolean success)
public RefreshLayout finishRefresh(int delayed)
public RefreshLayout finishRefresh(int delayed, boolean success, Boolean noMoreData)
finish refresh.
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public RefreshLayout finishRefreshWithNoMoreData()
finish load more with no more data.
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public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs)
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public ViewGroup getLayout()
Get the ViewGroup of RefreshLayout 获取实体布局视图
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public int getNestedScrollAxes()
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public RefreshFooter getRefreshFooter()
Get footer of RefreshLayout 获取当前 Footer
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public RefreshHeader getRefreshHeader()
Get header of RefreshLayout 获取当前 Header
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public RefreshState getState()
Get the current state of RefreshLayout 获取当前状态
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public boolean isLoading()
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public boolean isNestedScrollingEnabled()
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public boolean isRefreshing()
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public boolean onNestedFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)
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public boolean onNestedPreFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)
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public void onNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, Array<int> consumed)
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public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed)
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public void onNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes)
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public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes)
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public void onStopNestedScroll(View target)
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public boolean performClick()
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public void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept)
这段代码来自谷歌官方的 SwipeRefreshLayout 主要是为了让老版本的 ListView 能平滑的下拉 而选择性的屏蔽 requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent 应用场景已经在英文注释中解释清楚,大部分第三方下拉刷新库都保留了这段代码,本库也不例外
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public RefreshLayout resetNoMoreData()
Restore the original state after finishLoadMoreWithNoMoreData.
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public static void setDefaultRefreshFooterCreator(DefaultRefreshFooterCreator creator)
设置默认 Footer 构建器
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public static void setDefaultRefreshHeaderCreator(DefaultRefreshHeaderCreator creator)
设置默认 Header 构建器
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public static void setDefaultRefreshInitializer(DefaultRefreshInitializer initializer)
设置默认 Refresh 初始化器
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public RefreshLayout setDisableContentWhenLoading(boolean disable)
Set whether to enable the action content view when loading.
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public RefreshLayout setDisableContentWhenRefresh(boolean disable)
Set whether to enable the action content view when refreshing.
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public RefreshLayout setDragRate(float rate)
Set the damping effect.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableAutoLoadMore(boolean enabled)
Sets whether to listen for the list to trigger a load event when scrolling to the bottom (default true).
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public RefreshLayout setEnableClipFooterWhenFixedBehind(boolean enabled)
Set whether to clip footer when the Footer is in the FixedBehind state.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableClipHeaderWhenFixedBehind(boolean enabled)
Set whether to clip header when the Header is in the FixedBehind state.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableFooterFollowWhenNoMoreData(boolean enabled)
Set whether or not Footer follows the content after there is no more data.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableFooterTranslationContent(boolean enabled)
Set whether to pull up the content while pulling up the header.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableHeaderTranslationContent(boolean enabled)
Whether to enable pull-down refresh (enabled by default).
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public RefreshLayout setEnableLoadMore(boolean enabled)
Set whether to enable pull-up loading more (enabled by default).
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public RefreshLayout setEnableLoadMoreWhenContentNotFull(boolean enabled)
Set whether to pull up and load more when the content is not full of one page.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableNestedScroll(boolean enabled)
Setting whether nesting scrolling is enabled (default off + smart on).
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public RefreshLayout setEnableOverScrollBounce(boolean enabled)
Set whether to enable cross-border rebound function.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableOverScrollDrag(boolean enabled)
Set whether to enable cross-border drag (imitation iphone effect).
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public RefreshLayout setEnablePureScrollMode(boolean enabled)
Set whether to enable the pure scroll mode.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableRefresh(boolean enabled)
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public RefreshLayout setEnableScrollContentWhenLoaded(boolean enabled)
Set whether to scroll the content to display new data after loading more complete.
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public RefreshLayout setEnableScrollContentWhenRefreshed(boolean enabled)
Set whether to scroll the content to display new data after the refresh is complete.
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public RefreshLayout setFixedFooterViewId(int id)
设置固定在 Footer 上方的视图Id,可以在 Header 上下滚动的时候保持不跟谁滚动
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public RefreshLayout setFixedHeaderViewId(int id)
设置固定在 Header 下方的视图Id,可以在 Footer 上下滚动的时候保持不跟谁滚动
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public RefreshLayout setFooterHeight(float heightDp)
Set the Footer's height.
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public RefreshLayout setFooterHeightPx(int height)
设置 Footer 高度
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public RefreshLayout setFooterInsetStart(float insetDp)
Set the Footer's start offset.
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public RefreshLayout setFooterInsetStartPx(int insetPx)
Set the Footer's start offset.
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public RefreshLayout setFooterMaxDragRate(float rate)
Set the ratio of the maximum height to drag footer.
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public RefreshLayout setFooterTranslationViewId(int id)
设置在 Footer 上下滚动时,需要跟随滚动的视图Id,默认整个内容视图
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public RefreshLayout setFooterTriggerRate(float rate)
Set the ratio at which the load more is triggered.
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderHeight(float heightDp)
Set the Header's height.
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderHeightPx(int height)
设置 Header 高度
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderInsetStart(float insetDp)
Set the Header's start offset(see srlHeaderInsetStart in the RepastPracticeActivity XML in demo-app for the practical application).
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderInsetStartPx(int insetPx)
Set the Header's start offset(see srlHeaderInsetStart in the RepastPracticeActivity XML in demo-app for the practical application).
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderMaxDragRate(float rate)
Set the ratio of the maximum height to drag header.
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderTranslationViewId(int id)
设置在 Header 上下滚动时,需要跟随滚动的视图Id,默认整个内容视图
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public RefreshLayout setHeaderTriggerRate(float rate)
Set the ratio at which the refresh is triggered.
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public void setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled)
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public RefreshLayout setNoMoreData(boolean noMoreData)
Restore the original state after finishLoadMoreWithNoMoreData.
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public RefreshLayout setOnLoadMoreListener(OnLoadMoreListener listener)
Set load more listener separately.
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public RefreshLayout setOnMultiListener(OnMultiListener listener)
Set up a multi-function listener.
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public RefreshLayout setOnRefreshListener(OnRefreshListener listener)
Set refresh listener separately.
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public RefreshLayout setOnRefreshLoadMoreListener(OnRefreshLoadMoreListener listener)
Set refresh and load listeners at the same time.
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public RefreshLayout setPrimaryColors(Array<int> primaryColors)
Set theme color int (primaryColor and accentColor).
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public RefreshLayout setPrimaryColorsId(Array<int> primaryColorId)
Set theme color id (primaryColor and accentColor).
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public RefreshLayout setReboundDuration(int duration)
Set the duration of the rebound animation.
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public RefreshLayout setReboundInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator)
Set the rebound interpolator.
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public RefreshLayout setRefreshContent(View content)
Set the content of RefreshLayout(Suitable for non-XML pages, not suitable for replacing empty layouts)。 设置指定的 Content(适用于非XML页面,不适合用替换空布局)
public RefreshLayout setRefreshContent(View content, int width, int height)
Set the content of RefreshLayout(Suitable for non-XML pages, not suitable for replacing empty layouts).
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public RefreshLayout setRefreshFooter(RefreshFooter footer)
public RefreshLayout setRefreshFooter(RefreshFooter footer, int width, int height)
Set the footer of RefreshLayout.
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public RefreshLayout setRefreshHeader(RefreshHeader header)
public RefreshLayout setRefreshHeader(RefreshHeader header, int width, int height)
Set the header of RefreshLayout.
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public RefreshLayout setScrollBoundaryDecider(ScrollBoundaryDecider boundary)
Set the scroll boundary Decider, Can customize when you can refresh.