
public class RCRTCVideoView

Implements VideoRenderer.Callbacks by displaying the video stream on a SurfaceView. renderFrame() is asynchronous to avoid blocking the calling thread. This class is thread safe and handles access from potentially four different threads: Interaction from the main app in init, release, setMirror, and setScalingtype. Interaction from C++ rtc::VideoSinkInterface in renderFrame. Interaction from the Activity lifecycle in surfaceCreated, surfaceChanged, and surfaceDestroyed. Interaction with the layout framework in onMeasure and onSizeChanged.


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public void RCRTCVideoView(Context context)
Standard View constructor.
public void RCRTCVideoView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
Standard View constructor.


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public interface OnSizeChangedListener
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public class Size


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public int drawingMode
CDN渲染相关 0:默认执行RTC流绘制 1:执行CDN流绘制
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public int rotatedFrameHeight
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public int rotatedFrameWidth


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public void addFrameListener(FrameListener listener, float scale)
public void addFrameListener(FrameListener listener, float scale, GlDrawer drawer)
Register a needCallback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
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public void clearScreen()
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public void disableFpsReduction()
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public ScalingType getScalingType()
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public void init(Context context, RCRTCVideoStream videoStream)
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public void onFrame(VideoFrame frame)
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public void onFrameResolutionChanged(int videoWidth, int videoHeight, int rotation)
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public void pauseVideo()
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public void release()
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
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public void removeFrameListener(FrameListener listener)
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public void setAllowRenderer(boolean isAllow)
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public void setAspectRatio(int aspectRatio)
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public void setDrawingMode(int drawingMode)
RTC 内部方法,禁止开发者调用
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public void setEnableHardwareScalar(boolean enabled)
Enables fixed size for the surface.
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public void setFpsReduction(float fps)
Limit render framerate.
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public void setMirror(boolean mirror)
Set if the video stream should be mirrored or not.
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public void setMirrorInternal(boolean mirror)
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public void setOnSizeChangedListener(RCRTCVideoView.OnSizeChangedListener onSizeChangedListener)
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public void setRendererEventsListener(RCRTCRendererEventsListener listener)
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public void setScalingType(ScalingType scalingType)
Set how the video will fill the allowed layout area.
public void setScalingType(ScalingType scalingTypeMatchOrientation, ScalingType scalingTypeMismatchOrientation)
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public void setVideoSampleAspectRatio(int videoSarNum, int videoSarDen)
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public void setVideoSize(int videoWidth, int videoHeight)
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public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height)
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public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder)
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public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder)