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batchInsertMessage(java.util.List,boolean) - function in io.rong.imlib.LibHandlerStub
batchInsertMessage(java.util.List,io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreCallback.ResultCallback) - function in io.rong.imlib.RongCoreClient
批量插入接收的消息(该消息只插入本地数据库,实际不会发送给服务器和对方) Message 下列属性会被入库,其余属性会被抛弃 conversationType 会话类型 targetId 会话 ID messageDirection 消息方向 senderUserId 发送者 ID receivedStatus 接收状态;消息方向为接收方且未调用 message.getReceivedStatus().
batchInsertMessage(java.util.List,boolean,io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreCallback.ResultCallback) - function in io.rong.imlib.RongCoreClient
批量插入接收的消息(该消息只插入本地数据库,实际不会发送给服务器和对方) Message 下列属性会被入库,其余属性会被抛弃 conversationType 会话类型 targetId 会话 ID UId 消息唯一 ID messageDirection 消息方向 senderUserId 发送者 ID receivedStatus 接收状态;消息方向为接收方且未调用 message.getReceivedStatus().
beginDestructMessage(Message,io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreListener.DestructCountDownTimerListener) - function in io.rong.imlib.RongCoreClient
BEHIND - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.RongCommonDefine.GetMessageDirection

获取的消息时间晚于指定的 message 时间。

BIND_GROUP - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreListener.UserGroupEventType
bindService() - function in io.rong.imlib.MultiProcessServiceProvider
BIRTHDAY - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.UserProfileKeys
BIZ_ERROR_CLIENT_NOT_INIT - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode


BIZ_ERROR_CONNECTING - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode

连接中,再调用 connect 被拒绝

BIZ_ERROR_DATABASE_ERROR - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode


BIZ_ERROR_NO_CHANNEL - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode


BIZ_ERROR_RECONNECT_SUCCESS - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode


BIZ_SAVE_MESSAGE_ERROR - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.IRongCoreEnum.CoreErrorCode

将消息存储到本地数据时失败。 发送或插入消息时,消息需要存储到本地数据库,当存库失败时,会回调此错误码

BJ - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.InitOption.AreaCode


BLOCK_CUSTOM - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.MessageBlockType


BLOCK_GLOBAL - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.MessageBlockType


BLOCK_THIRD_PATY - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.MessageBlockType


BlockedMessageInfo - class in io.rong.imlib.model
BlockMessage - class in io.rong.message
拦截消息 命令消息类,此消息不存储不计入未读消息数 发送消息中因含有敏感词,server下发的命令消息 Created by yanke on 2021/7/12
Both - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.DirectionType


Both - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.QueryFriendsDirectionType


BothWay - enum entry in io.rong.imlib.model.FriendRelationType


build() - function in io.rong.imlib.model.AndroidConfig.Builder
build() - function in io.rong.imlib.model.InitOption.Builder
build() - function in io.rong.imlib.model.MessageConfig.Builder
build() - function in io.rong.imlib.model.MessagePushConfig.Builder
build() - function in io.rong.push.pushconfig.PushConfig.Builder
buildSendText(java.lang.String) - function in io.rong.message.ReferenceMessage
byte2File(kotlin.Array,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in io.rong.common.FileUtils
根据 byte 数组,生成文件
bytesToParcelable(kotlin.Array,java.lang.Class) - function in io.rong.common.ParcelUtils
Read and return a new Parcelable from the parcel.
bytesToParcelableList(kotlin.Array,java.lang.Class) - function in io.rong.common.ParcelUtils
Read and return a new ArrayList object from the parcel at the current dataPosition().
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